Plant-Based Omegas Regenerating Health, Regenerating the Planet with Bill Keith

You could say Perfect Bar Founder and CEO Bill Keith, was a born leader. After all, he’s the eldest of 13 siblings, eight of whom work for his San Diego-based family business known for producing the freshest nutrition bars ever created. Bill’s unwavering ability to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles is not only a testament to his character, but the basis for which the company was launched and flourishes today.

As part of a class project in college, Bill submitted a business plan outlining his concept for the first refrigerated nutrition bar made with all-natural whole food ingredients; an idea he hatched based on a family recipe created by his father—Dr. Bud Keith. Bill’s college professor scoffed at his business idea, providing a laundry list of reasons as to why it would never work. Unscathed and ever more determined, Bill persisted without trepidation.

Today, Bill has turned the crowded $6 billion nutrition bar industry upside down as consumers flock away from the highly processed, non-perishable nutrition bar aisle—more often to the fresh food and functional beverage coolers—where Perfect Bar continues to carve out desirable real estate in some of the largest grocery store chains nationwide, including Costco, Safeway, Whole Foods and 7-Eleven. Bill’s business principles remain uncompromised by short-term profits, but predicated upon long-term sustainable growth through unparalleled quality, craftsmanship and customer service.

His entrepreneurial spirit has led him to launch Green Fat, a supplement company focused on pro-aging. You’ll hear more on this in his recent interview with Andrew Hebard.


Plant-Based Omegas Regenerating Health, Regenerating the Planet with Dr. Patrick Hanaway


Plant-Based Omegas Regenerating Health, Regenerating the Planet With Caroline Carralero