SupplySide® Supplement Journal: Study shows benefits of Ahiflower oil in arthritis model

New research in the European Journal of Nutrition has published a study finding Ahiflower® oil performed slightly better than fish oil in alleviating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in mice.

Findings show that Ahiflower oil has comparable and even superior effects vs fish oil in mammals on the management of joint inflammation and swelling. It supports Ahiflower oil’s supplemental use in humans and companion animals who are seeking better overall mobility and less joint swelling.

This study highlights the potential benefits of Ahiflower oil in managing joint inflammation and improving mobility, offering a sustainable alternative to fish oil.


SupplySide® Supplement Journal: Study shows benefits of Ahiflower oil in arthritis model


Nutraceutical Business Review: Ahiflower® for joint health: plant-based alternative demonstrates similar efficacy to fish oil